MSC Overviewmore

MSC Overview


The Mycological Society of China (MSC), formerly a division of the Botanical Society of China (BSC) (1980-1992), was founded in May 1993. MSC is a non-profit scientific society with the aim to promote mycological studies in China. MSC has over 3000 members and organizes a series of congresses and symposia, workshops, training courses and field excursions everyyear. MSC publishs one international journal, i.e. Mycology – an international journal on fungal biology and two Chinese journals Mycosystema and Journal of Fungal Research. A newsletter is also published twice every year to keep MSC members updated with fungal news.

    • Journal of Fungal Research

      Journal of Fungal Research sponsored by Jilin Agricultural University is launched in December 2003. The journal publishes the papers quarterly concern...


    • Mycosystema

      Mycosystema( ) is a merger of former Acta Mycologica Sinica and Mycosystema. It is sponsored by the Mycological Society ...


    • Mycology

      Mycology was launched in 2010 by the Institute of Microbiology, CAS & the Myclogical Society of China. Prof. Xingzhong Liu and Prof. Lei Cai, both bei...

