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Mycosystema(    ) is a merger of former Acta Mycologica Sinica and Mycosystema. It is sponsored by the Mycological Society of China and the Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Science and published monthly. It is the internationalized continuation of the Chinese periodical Acta Mycologica Sinica.

The journal includes original papers and short communications based on research results, as well as literature and book reviews dealing with various aspects of mycology. Contributions are mainly accepted in the fields of taxonomy, biodiversity, molecular systematics of fungi; papers in the area of ecology, pathology, physiology, genetics, medical mycology, industrial mycology and veterinary mycology.

Papers may be either in English with a Chinese abstract or in Chinese with an English abstract. The Editorial Board consists of more than 30 members of high repute from both China and foreign countries, representing a broad spectrum of scientific expertise.

Honorary editors-in-chief: Zhuang Jianyun , Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Editors-in-chief: Dai Yucheng, Bejing Forestry University

